Autodesk® > BIM 360™ Products

BIM 360 Field


Is anyone here using Field or interested in using Field? Applied put together a pretty slick tool to export spools and relevant data into Field/Glue for tracking and other purposed. It is a pretty slick concept some of you might find interesting.

is the video available in a higher def?
cant see anything in 480

We use field to track punchlist items. Not sure if your addon would help or not?


--- Quote from: cadmium on Jun 20, 2016, 20:36:34 PM ---is the video available in a higher def?
cant see anything in 480

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I am looking into the possibilities of getting it in higher quality


--- Quote from: bparrell on Jun 20, 2016, 22:03:10 PM ---We use field to track punchlist items. Not sure if your addon would help or not?

--- End quote ---
Bob any insight/thought you provide would be helpful! I was not involved in the development and am not all that familiar with Field but it appears to be a pretty slick tool if a company is interested in Field or already using it.


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