Fabrication in Revit® > Fabrication in Revit® Wish List
Inserting a Sleeve
Have sleeves Rectangular and round that the user can select a duct and have a sleeve placed that is the correct length based on wall/slab thickness. Also have the sleeve oversize itself based on insulation thickness/flanges/user preference and then go into a routine to automatically add dimensions with Trimble points contained within the sleeves.
--- Quote from: chris4455 on Nov 15, 2017, 07:04:46 AM ---Have sleeves Rectangular and round that the user can select a duct and have a sleeve placed that is the correct length based on wall/slab thickness. Also have the sleeve oversize itself based on insulation thickness/flanges/user preference and then go into a routine to automatically add dimensions with Trimble points contained within the sleeves.
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Look into scripting. I have created several routines to do this.
Can we see an Example of the code in this Script?
The one that I currently have is now owned by the company but I have my original on my personal computer. Unfortunately, I will not have access to that until the 2nd week of Dec.
Not in Revit
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