Fabrication CADmep™ > CADmep™ Users

Strange Database Error

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So I have an old database that I am phasing out. We started some projects with it and now I have to provide support for it until we can put it in it's grave. So we made a networked copy of it so some of our mobile guys can use it. I have some items that show up just fine in the Service Palette but when I use the folders command and navigate to their location I can't see the files. I tried adding a new model and navigated to the files and received an error saying the file "does not contain shell information". This is new territory for me and I'm at a loss. I need to edit these files and have no access to them. Thoughts?

Are you using 2019 version on the old database?  2019 changed from using folder.ini to folders.map which seems to be a problem for some installations.

No sir. 2018.

I'm getting the same message when trying to create a new model list.
Has anyone by chance come up with a fix for this issue?

So I figured out what the issue was with this for my situation. Someone hard pathed the button to the item location. However when the ITM was added to the database i think it was simply cut and pasted in windows explorer and the folder path was never created in the database. I believe one can edit the folders.ini or the folders.map to fix the problem. Or what I did was just to copy the items into a temp folder, erase the folder they were in and recreate it in fabrication and move the files back.


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