One work around might be as follows:
Draw the Design Line and use Fill in 3D to place the hangers.
Adjust the hangers as needed. If all of the hangers for the entire Design Line are now where you want them, lock the hanger layer and EXCLUDE hangers (via the tab) from any future Fill in 3D for that particular Design Line. Failure to EXCLUDE will result a new copy made for each Fill in 3D performed - see note below.
If you only want to save hangers for a particular area of the Design Line, move those hangers to a new layer and lock that layer. This will fix the sizes, types, and locations of the hangers but you won't need to EXCLUDE hangers.
When the final Fill in 3D has been made, you will need to erase any content placed in the particular area you do not want or need - this will be easy if you have a different color for the contents of the locked layer.
Note that when the Fill in 3D or the Erase 3D Items command is used with a contents layer locked, the contents on that layer are no longer associated with the Design Line's current Fill in 3D so they must be manually selected and processed. Take care that new content is not placed directly over existing content resulting in inaccurate quantities.