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2021.1.6 Revit Clevis Hanger Changing Rod Diameter


Has anyone had some of their clevis hangers change rod sizes after syncing, or saving.

We had a project where the clevis hangers were sizing by hanger size for some reason.
The hanger right next to it was sizing based off the pipe, which it should.

We corrected the issue by cutting in new hangers, and somehow it reverted back.
I'm not sure if it was a sync issue, since it was in a shared model, or if it is a program issue.

We cant replicate it.

We've had this happen in the past when the hangers are placed and not associated with the pipe. If they are placed and associated with the pipe they should size based on the pipe size if your specifications are set up correctly. If they are just placed and not associated it will pick up rod sizing based on the hanger size.

I have had the same thing as CNASH indicated above.  If they are associated with the piping they are usually good.  If they are just placed then I have seen some issues....

I've seen also when the detailer deletes the pipe after the hangers and put another pipe in place that "unhost" the hangers

Thanks guys, we are pushing hanger info from the hosted pipe to custom data within the itm, so we can get information to our hanger labels. If the hanger is unhosted we have an error report to the custom data, so we can catch it.

I'm going to talk it over with our program guy and see if that's causing the issue.

The weird thing is its never happened before, and its very random.

Most of our projects are in 2020 at the moment, so that's what lead me to believe it may be a 2021 thing.

If I figure it out. I'll update the post.


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