Fabrication in Revit® > Fabrication in Revit® Wish List
Report Product Entry in Schedules
Right now a lot of companies (like us) are using Fabrication parts in Revit. Unfortunately, when Revit's schedules report these parts, they report them only by the "Size" parameter, and there is no option available for a "Product Entry" field. We cram all kinds of product information into Product Entry--it's more accurate than just "Size"--and it should be naturally reportable in Revit without having to Dynamo around it.
Totally agree. What is even stranger is there are parameters you can schedule but not tag.
For tagging the "Product Entry" we duplicated it in the Alias value.
For Scheduling we only use the Prodinfo.MAP entries.
Obviously, this only works if you exclusively use your own content.
Duplicating to Alias - that's a pretty good idea, I'll bring that up at the next meeting. Thanks!
Using Prodinfo.map will be tricky for us. I was brought in AFTER my company's database was up and running, and they didn't add IDs to any of the parts. So if we want to use ProdInfo, we'll need to go through first and add IDs to every part (60,000+). Yikes.
If you have to go through all of the parts, I would suggest you look into the scripts that Darren Young has posted on his site. With a little work you can use the outputs to help you figure what is missing. That is what I am planning on doing when I get to that point.
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