Fabrication CADmep™ > CADmep™ Worksheets & Reports

Fliter a Range in Item Report

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Is it possible to filter for a range of numbers in the filter section of the item report? I cannot seem to make it work. Currently I am doing this

SomeField > 16 and SomeField < 24

The idea is to only populate things that the value falls between 16 and 24, e.g 17, 18, 19, 20. . . But I either get nothing or everything. Perhaps I'm using it wrong?

It should work as far as I know, the issue could be the position of the field (vertical position), maybe the filter is ok but there is another filter on top or the other options (Contents or column) ?

If this is static and not something you change all of the time you could try  somefield=16,17,18,19

Thank you for the replies guys. So I will share the report and maybe that will help. And I will try to explain what I am trying to do and maybe a better solution will present itself.

I got a request to see if we can make a report to order labels from. So I thought no problem.

1) Collect Items into Table by Service
2) Calc OD with insulation
3) Get total Straight Length for each OD
4) Get a count of 90 elbows for each OD
5) Create a series of Calc fields with the label size as the description that report the number of labels but only report if their particular column filter matches the OD range from our catalog.

So I am trying to apply a filter to a calculated field (Label Qty) that references another calculated field (OD /w Insulation). The behavior I am seeing is that instead of referencing the the calculated field (OD /w Insulation) in the filter, it is referencing itself and applying the filter. I am sure there is a work around for this or I'm just doing it wrong.

You said that you want to show only the fields that fulfill the filter, but the report shows "Exclude this field's data if not met" that mean it will hide the that specific field is not met but show the rest, instead try "Exclude All Fields if not met" that mean it will only show when the filter is true.

Maybe you already tried this but just in case


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