Author Topic: Strut hanger length increment  (Read 912 times)

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Offline patrydufTopic starter

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Strut hanger length increment
« on: Jan 30, 2024, 20:49:02 PM »
Hi all,
 I've seen somewhere I can't remember that the length of bearer could be incremented by a fixed value, like 2".
If I have a bearer that needs to be 23-1/2" long, it would give 24.
 Not sure if I had a dream or if it was real, but now I can't find where is that setting.
I might not be in Evolve... maybe in CADmep, or Revit itself, I don't remember at ALL.


EDIT: Found it...
Hanger Placement. But you have no breakpoints for width of duct. It is done by service. One could create a Placement Profile by service/duct size to sort it out a bit, but it is way less productive than ITM Hangers Settings.
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Offline rjdonahue

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Re: Strut hanger length increment
« Reply #1 on: Dec 05, 2024, 11:54:02 AM »
I know you figured this out, but I thought I'd chime in for anyone that is looking for the same answer...

If you're placing trapeze hangers with the Hanger Placement tool, it is in the settings for the profile you run. You can pick any rounding amount you want from here.

If you have already placed the hanger and need it to round, there is a Bearer Width Rounding button nested under the hanger placement button that will always just round to the nearest 2".
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