Author Topic: Vicon Import VNC file  (Read 1395 times)

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Offline jasin333Topic starter

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Vicon Import VNC file
« on: Feb 22, 2024, 18:35:31 PM »
I am just curious if anyone knows how to handle the pop-up boxes in Vicon when I import a VNC file from CAMduct?
It typically complains about Vicon and CAMduct having different specs for the sheets I am importing. I usally just hit cancel for each sheet and import is succesful. But... There is always a but

Cutting sheets through Vicon I am having to set the torch speed as it defaults to 100 for 24-22 guage. Does anyone have any idea how I can get CAMduct and Vicon to agree when importing. As others have previous stated. I am not paying $5000 to get the answer from Vicon.

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Offline jasin333Topic starter

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Re: Vicon Import VNC file
« Reply #1 on: Feb 26, 2024, 13:44:59 PM »
For anyone else wondering how this can be accomplished.

I managed to get what I wanted by adding a new tool, 'Hi-def Plasma' and in the tool setup goto the details window and drag over the 'Material Code' so it can be included in the CAM output file. Then make sure you have a material code present for the different materials. As you can see in the pictures, the third line down is now filled in.

'Material: '
'Material: GALV22'

Offline jasin333Topic starter

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Re: Vicon Import VNC file
« Reply #2 on: Feb 26, 2024, 13:48:32 PM »
On another note, Autodesk could fix this easily by having the Air-Plasma tool mimic the Hi-Def Plasma tool and include the 'Material Code' in the details section instead of a Global Value.

Makes no sense to have a global value for Material Code, it is always sheet dependent.

Offline Dean-o

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Re: Vicon Import VNC file
« Reply #3 on: Apr 03, 2024, 14:20:31 PM »
I'm not sure what the issue is. We have been importing from CAM to vicon plasma since 2008 and to vicon coilline since 2017 and I have never had any issues.  I know you have it fixed, but I'm just trying to understand what the issue was.

Offline ThatCadGuy

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Re: Vicon Import VNC file
« Reply #4 on: Apr 03, 2024, 19:52:58 PM »
I am just curious if anyone knows how to handle the pop-up boxes in Vicon when I import a VNC file from CAMduct?
It typically complains about Vicon and CAMduct having different specs for the sheets I am importing. I usally just hit cancel for each sheet and import is succesful. But... There is always a but

Cutting sheets through Vicon I am having to set the torch speed as it defaults to 100 for 24-22 guage. Does anyone have any idea how I can get CAMduct and Vicon to agree when importing. As others have previous stated. I am not paying $5000 to get the answer from Vicon.

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That's mapping your materials. You just click in the dropdown box and select the material that's the closest match for it. You only have to do it once then it won't ask you again.
For example, if I use a customers MAJ and their galvanized is called "shop galvanized 24 ga" then I'll get that white pop up box. I click the drop down and choose 24. After that every time I import from them it will automatically map it to my 24 ga. spec.

Offline jasin333Topic starter

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Re: Vicon Import VNC file
« Reply #5 on: Jun 07, 2024, 13:56:35 PM »
I am just curious if anyone knows how to handle the pop-up boxes in Vicon when I import a VNC file from CAMduct?
It typically complains about Vicon and CAMduct having different specs for the sheets I am importing. I usally just hit cancel for each sheet and import is succesful. But... There is always a but

Cutting sheets through Vicon I am having to set the torch speed as it defaults to 100 for 24-22 guage. Does anyone have any idea how I can get CAMduct and Vicon to agree when importing. As others have previous stated. I am not paying $5000 to get the answer from Vicon.

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That's mapping your materials. You just click in the dropdown box and select the material that's the closest match for it. You only have to do it once then it won't ask you again.
For example, if I use a customers MAJ and their galvanized is called "shop galvanized 24 ga" then I'll get that white pop up box. I click the drop down and choose 24. After that every time I import from them it will automatically map it to my 24 ga. spec.

I knew what it was trying to do, but the issue with the output VNC file is that it was not actually showing the different material so Vicon couldn't pick it up. I needed the VNC file to actually contain a material type. I could only accomplish that with the Hi-Def plasma tool.

In regard to that change I have had no issues with the vicon machine. It just works now because the mapping is complete. This is really a CAMduct issue. Seems dumb that a plasma tool doesn't have the option to set the material type with the exported VNC file. Thanks Autodesk... just one more inconsistency.