Author Topic: Shared Parameters/Project Parameters category selections changing  (Read 1049 times)

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Offline Tye AustinTopic starter

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I have made a list of internal shared parameters (and project parameters from them) for our sheet info and also for our Fab parts deliverables.  We noticed the other day that some of them were not reporting to their labels or schedules and when I went in to check them, the checked categories on them had changed.  We would just have "sheets" or maybe "sheets" and "MEP Fabrication Pipework". When I open them up, some or all my categories are no longer checked and a bunch of duct categories are checked.   EVolve is saying that nothing on their end would be doing this...  I checked and no one in here is modifying them...   Anybody know if there is a setting in Revit that might be forcing category selection onto my project parameters?
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Offline craigjonnson

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Re: Shared Parameters/Project Parameters category selections changing
« Reply #1 on: Mar 07, 2024, 06:07:51 AM »
I have several programs used for digital delivery, each containing a default set of categories and parameters. Yes, these programs have been known to change my project parameters back to a default setting and sometimes to a different discipline.

These programs have their own parameter fields and synchronise data to and from the host environment. If you have something similar to this, I would investigate that.

It could be a user who hasn't configured their setup to your environment.

In terms of Revit out of the box environment, the transfer project settings is the only thing that could do this.