Fabrication ESTmep™ > ESTmep™ Users
ESTmep broke while importing profile
I have problem with importing Profile to ESTmep 2022. I tried twice and both times it crashed around 40%. Also my friend tried on her Laptop with different Profile and it hapenned exactly the same around 40%. Did anyone have a similar problem and how did you fix it?
Thanks in advance.
Darren Young:
Where did the profile come from? Can you re-export it?
I might be mistaken on year, but I believe 22' had an issue with profiles. Do you have all of your service packs installed?
Do you have access to an earlier or newer version to try and import the profile?
Hello guys,
So the profile no1 was exported form client in CADmep 2021, I tried to import it three times in Estmep 2022 and once in CADmep 2023. All 4 times happened the same. Its crashed around 40%. In meantime I exported copy of Global profile from Estmep 2022 ( lets name it Profile no2 ) where i was making some services and sent to Colegue 1 who tried to import that profile no2 in Estmep 2022 and happened the same. Colegue 2 imported Profile no1 in CADmep 2025 without problem. So it could be that problem is with versions 22, but i tried unsuccesfuly once with CADmep 23.
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