Fabrication ESTmep™ > ESTmep™ Users
Creating Item product list from Revit family with mulitple types
I am trying to make Item product list for some duct equipment manufacturer. For most of equipment i succesed to find similar CID, but for one of the assecories there is no even similar CID so my idea was to make Revit family with multiple types for different dimension, then i insert all types in Revit Blank project and via Store graphic element exported all types to one RIF file. I Succesfuly imported RIF file in ESTMEP but now I cant connect all types in one Item product list. Even when I Try to edit item dimension for one of types, it doesnt change graphically. Only thing that changes is Connection, but it looks ridiculous because fabrication connection is larger than base of connection.
Does anyone have solution ?
Thanks in advance
I wouldnt suggest the process you are trying to do.
Please help us to help you by adding more information as to what manufacturer and equipment you are trying to make.
We will be able to review that and suggest something for you. There's not enough information in your post.
So, if you are bringing in a graphical element from Revit and converting it to an ITM it locks the geometry of the part it's just a 3d solid that you have connectors on. It's not dynamic.
You can save all the items to disk and then create a new model list and place them in there. Reply again if that doesn't make sense.
Hello guys,
First thank you for your replies, I will try now to give more information so you can have bigger picture. I have request from client to make new servise for duct extraction system and client provide me Datasheet of manufacturer from which they will buy ducts and equipment. So the point is to make new items like product list ( with article number from Manufacturer datasheet ) and servis which we will use to redraw project in Revit. Basicly we will model Duct extraction system changing existing condition modeled with Revit families with Fabrication part using Servis I am currently making. Final product will be to return modeled Systems to Estmep or CADmep and get Specification with Artical numbers for ordering.
Like i said in Post I made all items using Makepat comand and CID numbers, but I couldnt find similar CID number for this Non-return Valve. So my idea was like I post in previous post, and a little update I import it like RIF file ( graphical element ) and made Catalogue item for every Type and then I make new 3D item list where I linked all of those new made catalogue items. So now I have Product list i Can use back in Revit, but i dont like this solution beacuse now in item folder I have this grouped 3D product list and more than 10 individual catalogue items and it can be confusing for other people using this database.
I hope I Explained more clearer than in previous post and if you have better solution i am open to adopt it.
Thanks in advance!
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