Author Topic: Anyone tried Bimdex? Need to generate line Isos from Revit (and vice versa).  (Read 292 times)

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Offline Joe MelodyTopic starter

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Has anyone had any luck with any plug-in (or any workflow) for cleanly creating line iso's from a revit model? I could really use something with the functionality to go from revit to any sort of standardized line iso format, and then also go from something like Plant 3d, back to revit.

So far, I have used the Bimdex free trial, and it is quite efficient at taking a large plant 3d model, and bringing it in to revit while keeping a decent amount of the important data (geometry, line numbers). It is not perfect, and there is a decent amount of work still involved to get the revit model how I want it, but it eliminated the need to painstakingly trace over an engineers plant3d model or coordination model created from such, to create a buildable model. It is sort of like taking an engineers .rfa model, and converting it to fabrication (fittings and accessories are not really convertible).

The cost is relatively high at about $2500, and reviews online are sparse. I believe you have to buy a separate software to go from revit to plant 3d as well. Has anyone had any success with this company, their products, or any alternatives? This is only one avenue I've explored trying to make this workflow work, if there are other avenues you'd recommend, I am all ears!