Fabrication CADmep™ > CADmep™ Users
Text Description on buttons disappeared
I have a strange issue going on with our No-Hub template. All of a sudden, I am missing all of the text descriptions on the fittings tab. The text displays correctly on every other service as well as within other tabs in the No-Hub template. We have a few different No-Hub templates, and the text descriptions are gone on all the fitting tabs.
Have you tried resizing the window? If you have autosize on and resize the window it will display them usually.
Yes, I tried Large icons, Small icons, and Autosize and I can't get the text to display. I also tried refreshing all the buttons.
Also, when I go into FOLDERS view everything looks normal.
In my Case its depends on number of items in tab. For example in case of 21 items it doesnt show description and one less it shows description. So I think 20 items in tab is some kind of limit where it will show description
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