Fabrication ESTmep™ > ESTmep™ Users
Est Duct Reporter
I need to modify the spreadsheet. How do i go by doing this. Thanks!
1. Open the standard EST-Reporter.xlt you wish to edit.
2. When the import pop-up appears click red X in upper right to close (now you have opened the Reporter without data.
3. Immediately, Save as an .xlt (excel template 2003) or .xlsm (excel 2007 marco enabled workbook) with a new name, thus you still have the orginal untouched.
Comment: I cannot find TSI documentation saying to use .xlt or .xlsm format, but I have seen both work, I don't know the implications of choosing one over the other. The 'out of the box standard' EST-Reporter is still in the .xlt format, so I lean more towards this older format, until they release standard EST Reporter.xlsm
4. Edit file as needed.
5. Save again before exit in desired format.
Any comments or sugguestions, revisions to these comments would be helpful. This topic has alot of views and I am relatively new to using the EST-Duct software.
A few screen shots
--- Quote from: MikeMakela on Aug 18, 2009, 17:13:55 PM ---1. Open the standard EST-Reporter.xlt you wish to edit.
2. When the import pop-up appears click red X in upper right to close (now you have opened the Reporter without data.
3. Immediately, Save as an .xlt (excel template 2003) or .xlsm (excel 2007 marco enabled workbook) with a new name, thus you still have the orginal untouched.
Comment: I cannot find TSI documentation saying to use .xlt or .xlsm format, but I have seen both work, I don't know the implications of choosing one over the other. The 'out of the box standard' EST-Reporter is still in the .xlt format, so I lean more towards this older format, until they release standard EST Reporter.xlsm
4. Edit file as needed.
5. Save again before exit in desired format.
Any comments or sugguestions, revisions to these comments would be helpful. This topic has alot of views and I am relatively new to using the EST-Duct software.
--- End quote ---
Can you share that excel file again? I want to refer to it for current work.
Thanks you
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