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CADmep™ Users / Re: External Reinforcements
« Last post by cadbyken on Yesterday at 02:42:43 »
That helps me a lot. Thanks!
CADmep™ Users / Re: External Reinforcements
« Last post by PipeFitter72 on Feb 10, 2025, 23:37:10 PM »
For example we use if then statements like
DIM ST = stiffener
DIM W= width
DIM D = depth
DIM FlatSpan = ABS(W-D)

If FlatSpan < 12 then ST = "OV1" else
If Flatspan >=12 and < 20 then ST = "OV2" else
If FlatSpan >= 20 and < 32 the ST = "OV3"

This off the top of my head. But you get the idea. You just have to have the stiffeners in your database to be assigned.

Our developer actually set up an array  where we set gauge, stiffener type, and quantity by pressure class. Honestly I can read it and modify it, but I could not start it from scratch.
CADmep™ Users / Re: External Reinforcements
« Last post by cadbyken on Feb 10, 2025, 22:49:54 PM »
Can you give me an example of what you use the script for? I can write it just trying to figure what settings/verbage/etc. Since we are 100% Revit, I will have it ran at CAM.
CADmep™ Users / Re: External Reinforcements
« Last post by PipeFitter72 on Feb 10, 2025, 22:27:53 PM »
For Oval we do it 100% in a script. SMACNA calls it out by flatspan, but the program runs on width and depth.
CADmep™ Users / Re: External Reinforcements
« Last post by VirtualPilot on Feb 10, 2025, 18:40:11 PM »
Been playing with External Reinforcements for some time but now I need to get it setup this for rectangle, round, and oval.

The problem I have having is how/where do we tell the shop where to locate the stiffeners for a non-companion flange situation. The diagram shows either 3"; 3" and 32"; or 3", 21-3/8", 29-3/4"  from the end.

My understanding is each is a separate stiffener but not sure how to get the quantity and locations correct.  I am playing with adding the quantity and location in the name to make it easier but want the quantity for reports.

(1) 2x1/8 @3"
(2) 2-1/2x1/8 @3";@32"
(3) 2-1/2x1/4 @3";@21-3/8";39-3/4"

AFAIK, Round and Oval Reinforcement is not implemented on the software, unless it has been added on REL 25 or 26...
Thanks Craig.
Dynamo for Autodesk® Revit / Re: Fabrication hanger setup for Revit
« Last post by cnash on Feb 06, 2025, 20:43:27 PM »
I just ran a quick test in 2023 revit and it's assigning the correct data based off the support setting breakpoints. Not seeing anything out of line. What issues are you seeing? 

Well... I typed up a whole scenario which I have tested a few times over the last week, and I figured I would give it one more shot in 2024... And it seems to work now. Interesting.

So, I guess disregard everything I've said. hahahah!
Dynamo for Autodesk® Revit / Re: Fabrication hanger setup for Revit
« Last post by bobcat09 on Feb 06, 2025, 20:32:11 PM »
Ah, so you're using a separate support spec based on the type of trapeze. I see.
I was hoping we could drive the trapeze by a single support spec like we do for other hangers.

I just ran a quick test in 2023 revit and it's assigning the correct data based off the support setting breakpoints. Not seeing anything out of line. What issues are you seeing? 
Dynamo for Autodesk® Revit / Re: Fabrication hanger setup for Revit
« Last post by cnash on Feb 06, 2025, 20:29:53 PM »
I'd have to test it out trying to setup the support setting based off the pipe size similar to how we drive our clevis hangers. Can't say I've been asked to try that but I would assume it works the same.

I've tried but it doesn't seem to work.
To be honest, I thought it was working all this time until it was recently brought to my attention that it wasn't which is why I am digging into it now.
Dynamo for Autodesk® Revit / Re: Fabrication hanger setup for Revit
« Last post by bobcat09 on Feb 06, 2025, 20:24:08 PM »
Ah, so you're using a separate support spec based on the type of trapeze. I see.
I was hoping we could drive the trapeze by a single support spec like we do for other hangers.

Correct. We define what hanger gets used inside the actual support spec tool we use inside of Revit. We can use that to define hangers based off pipe/duct size if needed. We don't try to drive the rod size via the support setting like we do for clevis hangers.

I'd have to test it out trying to setup the support setting based off the pipe size similar to how we drive our clevis hangers. Can't say I've been asked to try that but I would assume it works the same.
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