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CAMduct™ Users / How Y-Size of Coupling is Calculated?
« Last post by jaysomlam on Today at 18:11:35 »
We are trying to use CAMduct to fabricate Couping.  But we have a hard time setting up Coupling to get the correct Y-Size.

Here, we use 10" diameter of Coupling with male connectors (Sex Type is Female) as an example.  Our shop expects the Y-Size of this Coupling to be 32.023".  But CAMduct shows that its Y-Size is 32.10994".  We want to adjust its to get its Y-Size to be as close to 32.023" as possible.  But that is where I cannot find a way to do.

The following is the details of this Coupling with male connectors:
1.  10" diameter.
2.  Male connector has -0.125" Diameter Adjustment.
3.  The seam has 0.5" Male Allowance and 0.5" Female Allowance.

I do this to calculate the circumstance:
  ( Diameter + Diameter_Adjustment ) * Pi
And that is:
   ( 10" - 0.125" ) * 3.1416 = 31.023"
And the Y-Size should be:
   Circumference + Male Seam Allowance + Female Seam Allowance
And that is:
   31.023" + 0.5" + 0.5" = 32.023"
And that is how our shop expects the Y-Size to be.

But CAMduct comes up with 32.10994".  It is 0.0867" more than what we have expected.  Please see the attached picture to see the Y-Size that CAMduct comes up with.  Please also note that this 0.0867" difference remains unchanged when I increase the diameter.  Seem like somewhere in CAMduct or in our Fabrication Database adds 0.0867" to Y-Size for coupling.

Please let me know how CAMduct calculates the Y-Size.  Then I can adjust the settings accordingly to get the correct Y-Size.  Thanks.

CADmep™ Users / Re: Report Help
« Last post by AFH_93 on Jan 17, 2025, 16:19:53 PM »
Thank you! looking at the video that seems to be what I need!

Looks like I have todays project lined up haha

CADmep™ Users / Re: Report Help
« Last post by bobcat09 on Jan 17, 2025, 15:49:28 PM »
Worksheets or Item Reports may have the options you are looking for. Worksheets have the option for a graphical view, item reports are similar to the Add Report but you'll have more print objects to choose from.

Item Worksheets

Reporting with Fabrication CADmep - goes over several reporting options within CADmep.

CADmep™ Users / Report Help
« Last post by AFH_93 on Jan 17, 2025, 15:29:01 PM »
Hello all,

I'm rather new at this and looking for some insight on how to build your own printable reports through autocad/CADmep.
The former detailer had most things set up for me ready to go however some specific (hardly used) reports seem to be broken. Our shop is currently moving from one building to another so our network isn't fully operational at the moment and I had to print reports of ducts for the shop to hand fab in the meantime.

I guess my question really is how do I get a certain item (lets say a rectangular transition) to report with duct sizes/connectors/insulation etc.?

I tried the addreport and pulled over item no, item cid and so on but the item still doesn't show up.

I'm sure there is a relatively simple answer to this and it is just operator error.

Thanks in advance!
Fabrication Parts in Revit® / Re: Cost Loaded Models
« Last post by craigjonnson on Jan 17, 2025, 04:10:48 AM »
You can build a report within the fabrication database and simply run the report from within revit without having to build anything separately.
Costs need to be within the database and assigned correctly to the ITMs.
If using the FDM Cloud to share your database, ensure the costs option is set to shared.
The Revit Fabrication addin has the report function to print directly from revit.
The image is a default revit database loaded into Revit and an example report used for reference.
CAMduct™ Users / Re: How do radius elbow splitters work
« Last post by Lilian001 on Jan 16, 2025, 15:10:59 PM »
we do the same thing for our splitter vanes too.
Just check to make sure your liner settings are correct to adjust the splitter vanes the way you like.

We are having issues with the piercing holes in the cheeks of the below.

Does anyone have any input on how to get the burn table to pierce the holes? I tried delays and everything and I'm doing something wrong.

I don't get it. There is no liner dans le duct so how can we adjust the splitter by changing the liner settings? Could you give more details pls?
CADmep™ Users / Re: Pipe Specification Question - End Connections
« Last post by madcad on Jan 15, 2025, 21:46:19 PM »
Why not just have the end prep info as part of the Weld Object.
That way it could all be done with connectivity rules. As in all pipes report as "See weld map for prep details", Weld Object reports as "Weld type X - End Prep Y"
CADmep™ Users / Re: Auto-Fill Coupling for Two Spirals
« Last post by jaysomlam on Jan 14, 2025, 20:42:08 PM »
Thanks PipeFitter72 for showing me where these options are in Fabrication Database:
  • Restrict to use Items from the same Tab <-- Need to turn ON
  • Allow Couplers from different Tabs <-- Can be either ON or OFF

This fixes the problem.  Now the correct coupling is automaticalled filled in between two round duct bodies.

I greatly appreciate your help.


I don't have this problem right after I have upgraded to CAMduct 2024.

I had this problem when I was using CAMduct 2019.

Not sure from which version of CAMduct that this problem fixed.

CADmep™ Users / Rectangular Specified Dimension Default
« Last post by betterway on Jan 14, 2025, 19:58:46 PM »
Can the default rectangular duct dimension be changed from the outside dimension to the inside dimension?

Saw in the database that there is an option for round duct (nominal, inside, outside) but did not see where to specify for rectangular duct.
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