I have tried using CID#1112. But this still doesn't work. I have followed the instructions in this link to make sure the connectors of the spirals and coupling item files are unlocked and set to None (to use Alt-Connector in the specification to assign the correct connector to the spirals and the couplings), and make sure the connectors are matching:
https://help.autodesk.com/view/FABRICATION/ENU/?guid=GUID-5734300A-16D9-4E32-9DB3-AD61642A834AThe link above is suggested by forum member VirtualPilot in a message posted in this link. The info in that link makes a lot of sense and should be done regardless auto-filling or not. Unfortunately, setting up those connectors doesn't help with auto-fill.
The only way to make this to work is to turn ON the "Exclude From Fill" option of the couplings in "Round" folder in the service that are for round duct that we order, not something that we fabricate. After excluding those couplings that we order from Fill, I can get the Coupling that we fabricate to auto-fill between two spirals that we also fabricate. Unfortunately, this is not how we want to work. We don't want to run the risk of forgetting to turn ON or OFF that "Exclude From Fill" option.
Just to clarify what "auto-fill" means to me. When I said "auto-fill", I mean to draw a spiral, and then attach another spiral after the first one, and see a coupling automatically inserted between those 2 spirals. That's what "auto-fill" means to me. All the pieces involved are duct that we fabricate, not something that we order. That is where the problem is. I have no problem auto-filling with coupling that we order.
I have found the CID#2522 coupling item file suggested in this link:
https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/How-to-automatically-insert-a-Gasket-item-between-pipes-in-Fabrication.htmlThe item file is in this folder: Working Database\ITEMS\Template Patterns\Mechanical\Systems
Unfortunately, I have these 2 problems with this CID#2522 item file:
1. I still cannot auto-fill using this item file.
2. More importantly, it doesn't have the "Machine Cut" option. I cannot send it to CAMduct for nesting.
Any suggestion to make this to work? Please help. Thanks.