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CADmep™ Users / Re: Auto-Fill Coupling for Two Spirals
« Last post by PipeFitter72 on Jan 11, 2025, 00:17:31 AM »
I am a little confused. Are you trying to use 2 different couplings in the same service without excluding on from fill? One that you fab and one that you purchase?    Also are you using 2 different spiral straights in the same service? One that you fab and one that you purchase? 
CAMduct™ Users / Re: TDC/TDF Fold Notch
« Last post by ussmjohn on Jan 10, 2025, 19:47:18 PM »

I was wondering if you were able to achieve the 2 different notch depth for male vs female?

CADmep™ Users / Re: Auto-Fill Coupling for Two Spirals
« Last post by jaysomlam on Jan 10, 2025, 18:19:13 PM »
I have tried using CID 1112.  But this still doesn't work.  I have followed the instructions in this link to make sure the connectors of the spirals and coupling item files are unlocked and set to None (to use Alt-Connector in the specification to assign the correct connector to the spirals and the couplings), and make sure the connectors are matching:
The link above is suggested by forum member VirtualPilot in a message posted in this link.  The info in that link makes a lot of sense and should be done regardless auto-filling or not.  Unfortunately, setting up those connectors doesn't help with auto-fill.

The only way to make this to work is to turn ON the "Exclude From Fill" option of the couplings in "Round" folder in the service that are for round duct that we order, not something that we fabricate.  After excluding those couplings that we order from Fill, I can get the Coupling that we fabricate to auto-fill between two spirals that we also fabricate.  Unfortunately, this is not how we want to work.  We don't want to run the risk of forgetting to turn ON or OFF that "Exclude From Fill" option.

Just to clarify what "auto-fill" means to me.  When I said "auto-fill", I mean to draw a spiral, and then attach another spiral after the first one, and see a coupling automatically inserted between those 2 spirals.  That's what "auto-fill" means to me.  All the pieces involved are duct that we fabricate, not something that we order.  That is where the problem is.  I have no problem auto-filling with coupling that we order.

I have found the CID 2522 coupling item file suggested in this link:
The item file is in this folder: Working Database\ITEMS\Template Patterns\Mechanical\Systems

Unfortunately, I have these 2 problems with this CID 2522 item file:
1.  I still cannot auto-fill using this item file.
2.  More importantly, it doesn't have the "Machine Cut" option.  I cannot send it to CAMduct for nesting.

Any suggestion to make this to work?  Please help.  Thanks.

Previously in this post I asked if ancillaries could be directly mapped to connectors. I wasn't told no but was not told yes either. So it turns out they can. Which might be relevant to this thread. I personally hate using ITMs for bolt kits and the like. See this post for details on mapping ancillaries to connectors.,17744.0.html
CADmep™ Users / Re: Embedded Ancillaries: How do I Access Them?
« Last post by dopefish on Jan 10, 2025, 15:59:28 PM »
I should share this as it might be useful to others.

There was a previous discussion about connectors and ancillaries, specifically how to calculate them. I had asked whether it was possible to attach ancillaries directly to connectors but didn’t receive a response (see image). I’m sure those with extensive duct knowledge are already aware of this, but it was new to me.

In the connector library, there is a button with a coin icon, which appears to be the costing tab. In this tab, we can assign materials and gaskets. While this might be useful in some cases, it’s not appropriate for all scenarios—specifically, I don’t want materials being automatically imported. This is something that will need to be cleaned up in new content. Additionally, in this case, applying a gasket as an ancillary doesn’t make sense, especially if it’s mating to a face seal component, in which case the gasket wouldn’t be necessary.

However, this feature has sparked some new ideas for calculating ancillaries, and I hope others find this information helpful as well.
CADmep™ Users / Re: Embedded Ancillaries: How do I Access Them?
« Last post by cnash on Jan 10, 2025, 15:52:35 PM »
Found it. Thank you.

Where were they? lol
CADmep™ Users / Re: Embedded Ancillaries: How do I Access Them?
« Last post by dopefish on Jan 10, 2025, 15:48:35 PM »
Found it. Thank you.
CADmep™ Users / Embedded Ancillaries: How do I Access Them?
« Last post by dopefish on Jan 10, 2025, 15:40:32 PM »
I got some content from Apollo and there are some flanges in there that have bolt kits attached. I can not figure out for the life of me how to get to that option to change them. I don't want their ancillaries. I have gone to the properties window under the ancillaries tab and nothing is defined. Thoughts?
ESTmep™ Users / Breakpoint table pricing for multiple materials
« Last post by cnash on Jan 10, 2025, 15:35:33 PM »
I am encountering an issue with the tables I have rebuilt, specifically for ductwork.

For galvanized materials, I have established breakpoints based on both size and wire gauge, which function as intended. However, for other materials, the breakpoints are determined by size alone. My initial expectation was that setting the gauge column to zero would allow the system to reference the cost in that column, but this does not seem to be the case.

Is the only solution to create separate breakpoint tables, one for Size/Wire Gauge and another for Size/None, or has anyone identified a more effective approach to this issue?
CAMduct™ Users / Item number
« Last post by DamCam on Jan 10, 2025, 15:09:52 PM »
After a recent push my Item # has changed to the alias of the CID. Where is the button to change it back to a numeric value?
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