Command History 2

Commands and Functions History - 2020 onwards.

Frequently, users require to establish at what version a particular command or function was introduced or removed. On this page we provide a means whereby those details may be checked.

If you have any comments or additional details regarding the information provided below then please let us know BY POSTING HERE.

NOTE: For releases PRIOR TO 2020 please CLICK HERE

  CADmep AutoLISP Functions: (Show/hide details)

  CADmep Command History: (Show/hide details)

  CADmep FabViewer Command History: (Show/hide details)

NOTE: Where a check mark is shown the Command or Function was available 'out of the box' in that year's initial release.

NOTE: Where a cross is shown the Command or Function was not available 'out of the box' in that year's initial release.

NOTE: Where reference is made to a Service Pack (SP2 etc.) or Release (R2 etc.) the Command or Function was introduced (or updated) at that revision.

* Special thanks to Darren Young for collating and providing the data for this page.