Fabrication in Revit® > Fabrication in Revit® Wish List
Give all available options in a part available to allow the user to make tags/labels. For example allow access to the throats radius and straight in and out on elbows and parts. Also allow automatic annotation if the user wants it turned on.
--- Quote from: chris4455 on Nov 15, 2017, 06:57:29 AM ---Give all available options in a part available to allow the user to make tags/labels. For example allow access to the throats radius and straight in and out on elbows and parts. Also allow automatic annotation if the user wants it turned on.
--- End quote ---
Can I see an example of what you are trying to achieve? I have used CTEXT many times to make this work in the past.
Not in Revit
Again...forget there are Revit forums now..... ::)
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