I wrote a CAMduct add-in that is not signed. I have had difficulties getting it signed because Fabrication API.DLL is not strongly named. But that's not my question.
Given that my add-in is not signed, I would still think that CAMduct would always load (after the user clicks "Always Load"), and stop telling them that the add-in is unverified on subsequent loads. I have attached a screen shot of the "Always Load" option that comes up. Alas, the next time CAMduct starts up, it asks the question all over again. That is, "Always Load" seems to be unrelated to always.
My addin gets installed under the "c:\Program Files\" directory (which I read in one place was needful for this to work).
FYI: I am running with admin rights and full authority on my own machine (and I see the problem). I launch CAMduct with admin rights to make sure that's not an issue. Also, I did try adding my addin by key to the codesign section in the windows registry, here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\Fabrication 2020\CodeSigning -- I found this solution on a help page, but it has does not help with the issue at hand.
Thanks for any help!