Author Topic: Stratus Users  (Read 2102 times)

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Stratus Users
« on: Jan 28, 2020, 16:11:21 PM »
There has been a few posts recently regarding the use of Stratus so I thought I would create a new Board to cover these, and any further queries.

Andy Robins, who did so much toward the conception and development of CADmep, ESTmep and CAMduct, is now involved with the development of Stratus which compliments both CADmep and Revit for MEP. It takes the model and publishes to the companies BIM360 account then users can define their spools and work packages in it and schedule work for the shop and field, as well as create BOM’s and order directly from vendors. This and much more.
In recognition and gratitude for all the time Andy spent on this forum giving support and advice, I think we owe it to him to provide a platform here where he has the opportunity to assist Stratus users should he wish.

Check out what Stratus has to offer here:
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Offline Darren Young

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Re: Stratus Users
« Reply #1 on: Jan 29, 2020, 20:10:38 PM »
PS: While the board appears under the "Revit" group, Stratus doesn't care where the data comes from. AutoCAD/CADmep or Revit..Stratus doesn't care and works with either (or both in our case).

That being the case, there's a lot of holes in the "Revit Fabrication" part workflow that Stratus helps fill so it's actually even more helpful in Revit.

As an example: If you spool from Stratus, your spooling process is the same between CADmep and Revit.  If you want to spool in Revit, that's very manually, requires an add-on or writing our own code. 

Reporting is better in CADmep than Revit...even better with Stratus.

As such, Stratus is really helping simplify our processes as we transition to Revit as we can develop one process that works for both.
« Last Edit: Jan 29, 2020, 20:14:22 PM by Darren Young »